Using a variety of instruments (Windshield Survey, Community Assessment Tool, Screening interviews, etc.) while in your community, you will assess the community location. This will lead to a list of identified, prioritized health needs and your recommendations for intervention.
You will complete a windshield survey of your community. The objective of a windshield survey is to assess a community in a short, simple way, compiling data to help form an analysis of that community. Simply put, a windshield survey is the equivalent of a community head-to-toe assessment. There are 6 elements that should be included in your windshield survey (See Community Assessment Template Download Community Assessment Template). You will drive through your community and document your findings on a PowerPoint presentation. Take pictures of your community to enhance your PowerPoint presentation.
Plan how you will obtain the information for the assessments.
Conduct a Windshield Survey assessment.
Drive around your community and take pictures.
Create a PowerPoint presentation No more than 10 slides addressing each area of the windshield study.
Using a variety of instruments (Windshield Survey, Community Assessment Tool, Sc
Important - Read this before proceeding
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