Please include in text references using the chapter 14 with (page number of where info was found) to answer the questions below and also include information provided from his lecture whether it’s Mevissen lecture one or Mevissen lecture 2. Which is uploaded as well . Please separate questions with headers. Thank you
1. How does the opening line of the chapter make you see how environmental and cultural differences collide in the Sahel? [2 pts]
2. To what degree have the nations of Africa managed to achieve political stability and economic prosperity since achieving independence after WWII? Cite the textbook (Duiker page #) and lectures (Mevissen lecture title) [4 pts]
3. Opinion: Do you think that dealing with political or environmental challenges has been more difficult for African nations? Analyze two examples and cite material (Mevissen lecture) and/or (Duiker Page #) [4 pts]
Please include in text references using the chapter 14 with (page number of wher
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