Now that you all have completed “Trial By Teenager, Part 1,” you will try fact-checking a political ad yourself. I have assigned each of you an ad. 1) Watch the ad video and take quick notes on its claims and any supporting evidence 2) Fact check the ad’s key claims and evidence using the most credible sources that you can find (sources on internet are OK but not generative AI) 3) Post the following: a description of your ad’s major claims – include a juicy quotation your findings along with your source(s) for each finding (for this assignment, the source title, author, and url, all in parentheses, will do) your rationale for your sources — what makes them credible in your eyes? your evaluation of the ad — should it have been run, i.e., is it true enough to deserve airing, or no? Explain your position.
Now that you all have completed “Trial By Teenager, Part 1,” you will try fact-c
Important - Read this before proceeding
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