Write a paper in which you chart a trend or tradition over the last three generations. Study how something has changed over three different time periods; your paper must offer insight explaining why those changes have taken place and how those changes have affected society.
Choose a topic related to your field of study and (ideally) your larger research project. Refine your topic so that the material falls within a manageable framework. The resulting research should be applicable as background information for your major research project (some, but not all, sources may overlap). Ultimately, the information revealed by this project may be condensed and offered as essential background knowledge for your audience to understand your argument in the forthcoming research paper.
Remember that your findings must include an analytical discourse that explains how these changes have occurred, how these changes have affected society, and why these changes took place. Your thesis should focus singularly on whether the trend got better or worse, and supporting ideas should offer the reason(s) for the changes. Keep in mind that a change need not be positive; in fact, you may find that the change produced both positive and negative outcomes. While the time-periods discussed should be clear and can function as organizing principles, focus your discourse on reasons why the trend got better or worse during each time-period.
1. At least 4 full pages of content (excluding references and title pages); paper should not exceed 8 pages in length.
2. Conform to APA style including a title page and appropriate level headings (1st and 2nd level headings only), and all other APA style requirements. An Abstract is no longer required for student writing in APA style.
3. You must have at least 3 sources, appropriate scholarly sources. Do NOT use one source that covers all three generations/areas that you are discussing. There are many sources that cover a topic’s history over different periods of time, but you need less general sources. Your paper must integrate multiple sources and not rely heavily on just one or two. This should be an analytical research paper, not a summary of other sources.
Write a paper in which you chart a trend or tradition over the last three genera
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