Word count: 2000 +/- 10%.
Prepare a detailed report of 2000 words on what they have done and learned during each week of the internship. If the internship is more than one month long, only five weeks (approximately 125 working hours) need be covered in this report. Here you have a chance to describe the situation in detail. The main points to include here concern what happened.
Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?):
Clear use of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle;
Detailed description of activities carried out during each week of internship;
Explanation of lessons learned and concepts applied during each week of internship;
Availability of factual information as an evidence of activities and real life projects;
Evidence of the critical analysis of company’s operations/activities;
Clear structure of the report, professional language, references where needed, meets length requirements.
Word count: 2000 +/- 10%. Prepare a detailed report of 2000 words on what they
Important - Read this before proceeding
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