Watch the documentary Fork Over Knives. Respond to the following prompts including the question with your answer. Each of these questions relate to content addressed in the film so your responses should speak to that.
-What are the five main takeaways you had from this video?
-Do you believe that eating is an activity filled with ethical issues? If so, what are some of the primary issues? If not, how does the movie make you think about it.
-Does Fork over Knives challenge the way you think about food? About diseases? About the food industry? What, if anything, concerns you about the way you eat or the way your food is produced?
-Were you aware of the connection between deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and raising cattle for human consumption? Do you think this deforestation is justified?
Watch the documentary Fork Over Knives. Respond to the following prompts includi
Important - Read this before proceeding
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