Violence and maltreatment against the elderly include acts of aggression, abuse, neglect, or exploitation. For this paper, address the following issues:
Based on your readings, list and discuss the definitions of elder abuse.
Research the state statutes from the state in which you were born and identify how those definitions are similar and/or different from the ones from your reading.
Report recent statistics from your state regarding the number of reported incidents of elder abuse versus the number of incidents that are substantiated.
Discuss any legislation and preventative measures that have been enacted by federal, state, or local governments to address the problems associated with elder abuse.
Provide at least two (2) recommendations that you would implement to prevent elder abuse.
If you were a judge, what punishment(s) do you believe should be placed on those who commit elder abuse? Explain.
Violence and maltreatment against the elderly include acts of aggression, abuse,
Important - Read this before proceeding
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