Unit 4 Exploration Forum
Unit 4 Exploration ForumWelcome to our Unit 4 exploration forum. I am sure you’re all trying to make connections to where your children are on this developmental continuum. No matter what age your child or students are, it is comforting to know what is typical for children based on the age ranges provided in our readings. I think one huge take away is to just keep building on what the children have accomplished previously. How about you? Where does your child or your student fall? Do you find that the readings match with what is being produced? How would you build or expand on what your child creates? One portion I really enjoyed reading about is the Gang Stage that takes place. This is the last mentioned stage in the continuum. But I always start with the end in mind. If a 5th grader is able to use perspective to show close and far; If a 5th grader can use techniques to show movement; If a 5th grader can draw in 3-D, what can you do to prepare a younger child for that type of art mastery? I look forward to interacting with you all in the forum this week. Please Remember:
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Unit 4 Exploration Forum Unit 4 Exploration ForumWelcome to our Unit 4 explorati
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