Today you will be a teacher
Describe something you either know a lot about or you want to learn more about.
Then either teach about that topic.
Fill out the form for the teacher.
Analyze your teaching or learning process using the keywords at the bottom and answer the questions on the attached form.
Teacher form:
How did you get their attention, did you notice a change in their attention during the exercise, describe the change you noticed?
Did you use any strategies to get the information into their working memory? What were they?
How did you encourage in-depth processing?
How do you know this information is now in their long-term memory?
Key words: purposeful control, selective attention, repetition, elaboration, graphic
organizer, application, organization, inneumonic strategy, problem solving strategies
Today you will be a teacher Describe something you either know a lot about or yo
Important - Read this before proceeding
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