This Critical Task Essay will incorporate the internship, Florida Principal Leadership
Standard 6 (Decision Making), scholarly research, and coursework.
The Internship activities are attached (Internship Log). You must use your internship
experience as the basis for your critical task essay. You may also integrate Project
Restore (attached) into your critical task essay.
The point of the Critical Task Essay in each course is to explain your internship/case study and how it impacted your understanding of the focus standard for the course. You must
support your writing with scholarly research and what you learned in the course.
Paragraph(s) describing indicator (a) Gives priority attention to decisions that impact the quality of student learning and teacher proficiency.
Paragraph(s) describing indicator (b) Uses critical thinking and problem solving techniques to define problems and identify solutions.
Paragraph(s) describing indicator (c) Evaluates decisions for effectiveness, equity, intended and actual outcome; implements follow-up actions; and revises as needed.
Paragraphs describing indicator (d) Empowers others and distributes leadership when appropriate.
Paragraphs describing indicator (e) Uses effective technology integration to enhance decision making and efficiency throughout the school.
Conclusion reflects on your personal and professional readiness to incorporate Standard 6 into your future practice as an educational leader.
Your paper should be 4-5 pages double spaced. You must use APA style but can use “I” in this paper.
The sample essay attached is on a different standard.
This Critical Task Essay will incorporate the internship, Florida Principal Lead
Important - Read this before proceeding
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