The question to answer is as follows:
“Pregnancy should never be a commercial arrangement. To do otherwise exploits vulnerable women.” Do you agree with this position? Why/why not?
Note: you are expected to make reference to major ethical theories and principles in all essays. Failure to do this will result in reduced marks.
Learning outcomes
This assessment task contributes to your achievement of the following learning outcomes:
identify major ethical theories and principles related to reproductive medicine,
apply skills of ethical reasoning and analysis to current issues in reproductive medicine and medical research,
better understand and relate to your own moral commitments and decisions, in addition to those of others,
gained an overview of the laws regulating assisted reproduction,
developed an awareness of the law in the social and political context in which both the law and technology have developed, and
developed critical responses to the existing regulatory frameworks.
The question to answer is as follows: “Pregnancy should never be a commercial ar
Important - Read this before proceeding
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