The purpose of the assignment is to provide experience and feedback with the development of evidence tables, synthesis of evidence, and a practice recommendation based on the best available evidence and related to the clinical question of interest to you.
This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achievement of:
CLO3: Conduct a literature search for research evidence related to a practice question.
CLO4: Summarize high-quality evidence to synthesize into a practice recommendation.
CLO5: Develop a planned change process and a data-driven evaluation for a practice change.
This scholarly paper is due on day 7 of week 6. For this assignment, you will need to revise your practice problem and PICO sections of the previous paper using feedback from your instructor because this paper is a continuation of that paper. An APA template is provided which describes the expectations for each section of this scholarly paper but also refer to the rubric. The evidence tables, one for primary single research studies and one for evidence summaries are included as appendices, as well as a synthesis matrix to help you organize the information for your paper and must be submitted.
You are summarizing and synthesizing the evidence to make a practice recommendation, rather than reviewing each study. The following resources will help you in understanding the concept of a synthesis rather than a study-by-study review.
The introduction clearly and concisely states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence that is engaging and thought-provoking. The introduction clearly states and describes the main topic and previews the structure and content of the paper.
Signifcance of the problem
This section effectively describes the significance of the problem including human and societal impact as well as other areas of impact. The problem is significant to the student’s identified practice area and has significant impact on the student’s discipline and patient outcomes. Current data on incidence and/or prevalence is included. Exemplary discussion of cultural, political, legal, ethical, quality, safety, and financial implications is included if appropriate. There is substantiation with adequate number and quality of professional references with no uncited statements of fact. The student made all of the corrections recommended in the practice problem/PICO assignmen
There is a clear and thorough description of the population/problem of interest, intervention, comparison, outcome, and timing. Citations are provided. The student made all corrections recommended in the practice problem/PICO paper assignment.
Search strategy and results
There is an exemplary discussion of the search strategy which includes keywords (with alternate spellings, abbreviations, etc.), MESH headings, inclusion and exclusion criteria, databases used and results of the search. Any studies which meet inclusion criteria and do not meet exclusion criteria but are excluded are explained. The search is clearly replicable by any reader.
Synthesis of the literature
Substantial review of the literature is evident in the synthesis and covers all facets of the problem with numerous (more than 5 primary research articles and/or summaries) references linking the practice problem and the selected intervention. This section is a synthesis rather than a study by study review of the literature. Only research evidence is included in the synthesis; no secondary sources are included. Studies from US only are include unless valid reason is given for inclusion of international studies.
Synthesis matrix
There is an exemplary synthesis matrix with multiple main ideas included as a Table. The main ideas are logically extracted from the evidence and each one is cited in three or more references. All studies that were not excluded by identified exclusion criteria are included on the matrix. Used the provided template with the correct formatting.
Practice recommendations
There is an exemplary description of the practice recommendation and it is based on only high level evidence (levels I-III). The practice recommendations are consistent with the synthesis of the literature. There is logical progression from the synthesis of the literature to the practice recommendation. The recommendation is written succinctly and consistent with the scientific evidence. The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice rating for level and quality is included and appropriate.
Evidence tables
Evidence tables of primary research and systematic reviews are included as tables and include more than 7 primary research and/or summaries. Only research evidence is included on the evidence table and is appropriate to use in the setting and population. No secondary sources are included. The tables show an excellent extraction of information from the published reports. Used the provided template with the correct formatting. Paraphrased and did not copy directly from source.
I have attached the template with how the paper should look and the paper with the feedback from the professor. It can be seen via word.
The purpose of the assignment is to provide experience and feedback with the dev
Important - Read this before proceeding
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