The importance for policymakers, including urban planners, to understand demographic trends in their communities and nation?
Why should you be interested in such knowledge?
How might it impact your understanding of and positions on issues related to health care and education
Answer all parts of the discussion question completely
Your initial post must be at least 250 words long, and your peer responses must be at least 150 words long.
You are required to cite scholarly sources and your textbook in your discussion if you use information from them.
Provide APA citations and references to the textbook, scholarly sources, news sources, and popular media.
Use only scholarly sources, including; the textbook, scholarly journals, reputable news sources, and popular media. This means NO Wikipedia, online dictionaries, questionable news sources, or blogs.
The importance for policymakers, including urban planners, to understand demogra
Important - Read this before proceeding
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