Textbook chapters covered: (pages 92-125)
Chapter 12 Planning & Decision-Making
Chapter 13 Forms of Business Organizations
1. Every year for the past decade, ESPN has identified The Fighting Okra as one of the top ten college mascots in the United States. The Fighting Okra product line is manufactured locally, in Mexico, and in the Pacific Rim, with each area producing about the same percentage of merchandise. An emerging market is occurring in France due to that country’s growing use of okra as a vegetable of choice in French cuisine. The Fighting Okra beanie baby is the second most popular item in that market, surpassed only by the Teddy Bear. Sales are projected to increase ten percent annually over the next few years. Managing the University’s mascots has become a business. What form of business organization would you recommend that the College of Business and Aviation create?
2. Write a Mission Statement for Fighting Okra, Inc. Explain why you wrote what you did.
3. Write a Vision Statement for Fighting Okra, Inc. Explain why you wrote what you did.
4. Conduct a SWOT analysis of Fighting Okra, Inc.
5. Write a five-year plan to grow this business. State legal issues that may arise. Make a recommendation regarding licensing the trademarks.
Textbook chapters covered: (pages 92-125) Chapter 12 Planning & Decision-Making
Important - Read this before proceeding
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