Summative Assessment: Chi-Squared Tests Research Article Debrief Memo [due Mon]
Exam Content
Select a research idea or problem you anticipate encountering in your current or future career that you could investigate using statistics.
Locate a research article that used a test comparing two proportions. To locate your article, visit the University Library and access EBSCOhost in the Research Databases tab. Use the search term chi-squared and terms related to your selected area of research to find a study.
Tip: If you use the Advanced Search option in EBSCOhost, you can put chi-squared in the first search box and keywords related to your area of interest (e.g., environmental science) in the second search box. This will help show studies related to your area of interest.
Imagine that you have been asked to debrief your work team on the article’s findings and create a memo by completing the Chi-Squared Tests Research Article Debrief Memo Template.