Students will watch the following documentary relating to the opioid crisis (1 hour). Students will then write a 4-5 page paper analyzing the ethical considerations, including a discussion of corporate governance. to an external site.
Word format. 12 point font. Times New Roman. 1 inch margins all sides. Double spaced. Page number on bottom right hand side. Your first and last name in the upper right hand corner of first page. Paper must be between 4-5 pages in length (no shorter, no longer). Your Reference page does NOT count as part of the 4-5 pages.
The paper must include the following sections:
Introduction: The paper must have a short, one paragraph introduction.
A. Ethical Issues (in this section, students will fully discuss what they, personally, see as the ethical issues that arose in this situation (using ONLY the Frontline, opiod, inc. documentary as your source). What actions were unethical and why? What made those actions unethical?
B. Corporate Governance (in this section, students will fully discuss how proper corporate governance practices could have helped this situation not become the headline making debacle it became. Be specific! Here are power points I’ve created on Corporate Governance:
Week 5 Corporate governance .pptx) Here are some additional readings you can use to help get you started as well on Corporate Governance: to an external site. and to an external site. ) Obviously you can do your own research as well, but please, please, please remember you MUST cite to all of your sources! I mention how to do that in the final paragraph below.
C. Ethical Decision Rule (in this section, students will fully discuss which ethical decision rule they believe the company should have used in making its decision on how to sell/market/influence doctors and hospitals to use and prescribe opiods. Explain what the ethical decision rule is, and then apply it to the facts. What may have changed (or not) if that ethical decision rule would have been used. Feel free to use any of the ethical decision rules you learned about in your textbook or the ones we discussed in class (utilitarianism or stakeholder theory).
Conclusion: The paper must have a short, one paragraph conclusion
Last page of the paper with the heading “Reference Page” (which does NOT count as part of the 4-5 pages) is your Reference page: Here, you will list all of your References that you have used. Please use APA or MLA formatting, whichever you are most comfortable with using or have been trained on in college or MBA program.
***When writing the above, you must cite your sources within your paper. (Example: Professor Nieman discussed the ethical decision making rule of utilitarianism. That rule states we must look at the greatest good for the greatest number (lecture, Feb. 2nd))
I will not be picky or require perfect use of APA or MLA situation rules, but just use enough information that I know where you obtained the information.