Select one of the following famous mathematicians to write about. Write an essay that discusses the individual’s contributions and influences on the field of Math. Try to restrict personal information to one or two paragraphs. Define any math terms used in your essay and list all references used in the paper. All essays are to be at least 500 words long and less than 1000 words in length. This translates to be between 2 and 4 typewritten pages in 12-point font with
1-inch margins and double spaced.
A. Ada Lovelace
B. Emilie de Breteuil
C. Leopold Kronecker
D. Leonard Euler
E. Carl Friedrich Gauss
F. Sophie Germain
G. Caroline Herschel
H. Emma Noether
1. Katherine Johnson
J. Richard Topia
K. Benoit Mandelbrodt
L. Mary Somerville
M. David Blackwell
N. Bernoulli Brothers
O. Jerome Cardano
P. Maria Agnesi
Q. John von Neumann
Select one of the following famous mathematicians to write about. Write an essay
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