To choose a scientific research study related to Units 6 and/or 7 that you just studied this week. Next purpose is to learn how to find the golden lines in each section of your research study. Golden lines are just the sentences you think are important when reading a research article. With a little bit of practice, you will become an expert at choosing studies that interest you and pick your golden lines. Read the assignment details below thoroughly before you start your work.
Proquest Databases are an excellent resource for this Class. Watch a Proquest Video and learn how to find scholarly journals. There are several other databases available through our Shatford Library Do not choose magazine articles and news briefs for this assignment.
Locate your research study. Choose one that really interests you. Read the abstract section.
Start finding a golden line in each paragraph.
A golden line is usually a sentence in a paragraph that stands out to you as important.
Continue to read the entire article and find golden lines in each of the sections.
While completing this assignment, you may feel the need to choose a different article than the one you chose earlier. That is perfectly fine.
You are not writing anything new but simply learning how to read a scientific article and organize it your way.
You now have to organize all the golden lines into one cohesive paper. Remember that you are creating anything new but simply figuring out how to pick a research study and read it thoroughly.
Use the same headings used in your chosen research paper. And, add your name as the author.
Read the paper you have now written once more. Does it capture the content accurately? Make changes as necessary.
Upload the working link to your research paper followed by your organized list of golden lines.
Purpose To choose a scientific research study related to Units 6 and/or 7 that y
Important - Read this before proceeding
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