Project # 2 – age/population group/life cycle
1-Follow guidelines and rubric
2-Since nutritional needs vary from one life stage to another, in your project you must discuss a. what are the “common problems” at that age/life cycle
b. what is the DRI recommended for your patient′s age/life cycle
c. what nutrients are recommended for your patient′s age/life cycle
d- Anticipatory guidance for caries, periodonto and other, according to your patient′s age/life cycle, and individual patient’s needs e- Exercise needed according to your patient′s age/life cycle
Review these chapters
Chapter 9 Diet and Dental Caries. Chapter 10 Nutrition and Periodontal Disease. Chapter 13 Nutrient Needs for Development and Maintenance of Oral Structures. Chapter 14 Dietary Considerations for the Life Cycle. Chapter 16 Nutritional Counseling. I. Forms 20 % A. 5 %Nutritional Assessment forms 1. Initial Interview/ Dietary assessment ( 1.5 %)
2. Analysis of Food log given by the patient (3.5%):
Calories (0.25%), Anticipatory Guidance (1.5%), General Summary (0.5%), Plan of Action (0.5%), Method of Evaluation (0.25%), Follow Up (0.25%), Patient Materials(0.25%)
B.15% Food intake log (5 days) suggested to the patient Develop a patient centered plan (5 day diet/food log). Be specific according to your patient’s needs
1. It includes an outline of a realistic diet/food intake and snack guide with suggestions and recommendations. Using “My Plate” as a guide-Five food groups (4%)
2. It includes foods for caries prevention (3%), periodontal maintenance (3%), and others (3%)
3. It is based on the patient’s Daily caloric requirement (Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) according to patient’s Ideal Weight, Ideal BMI. (2 %)
II. Paper 15% These are the 4 parts you need to address in your Project & Paper:
A.10 % General Summary Include: A typed analysis of the patient’s food intake history and other pertinent data gathered. 1. A summary of all the problems or inadequacies noted. (2%)
2. An outline of a realistic diet/food intake and snack guide with suggestions and Recommendations. Using “My Plate” as a guide. (2%)
3. An anticipatory guidance for caries (2%), periodontal disease (2%) and others (2%) according to the data gathered.
B. 3 % Plan of Action: Include: 1. Reasons for the nutritional guidance. (1%)
2. A detailed plan of action based on food groups, caries prevention and periodontal maintenance.
Be specific according to your patient’s needs. (1%)
3. Identify concerns patient should discuss with dietitian or physician. (1%)
C. 1% Method of Evaluation and Follow up
Include a detailed plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the guidance program with the patient. This is after the food log has been given to the patient
D.1% Patient Materials
List the educational leaflets, or resources used to assist patient.
Project # 2 – age/population group/life cycle 1-Follow guidelines and rubric 2-S
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