Part 1 Theories are derived from conceptual models and are comprised of concepts and propositions. The only concepts that are common to all nursing theories, in some shape or form, are patient, nurse, health, and environment. These are sometimes referred to as the basic metaparadigms of the nursing domain. Describe the four metaparadigms: patient, nurse, health and environment. Cite the sources you use. Choose a middle – range theory that finds practical application to your current area of clinical nursing practice, briefly describe the theory, and explain why you find this theory appropriate for your area of clinical practice. Part 2 Choose two concepts in the theory you choose last week and describe: How are the concepts defined in general (from other references)? How does the theorist define each of the concepts you have chosen? How do those concepts apply to your clinical practice? Give concrete examples.
Part 1 Theories are derived from conceptual models and are comprised of concepts
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