In sensory deprivation studies, researchers were interested in what would happen if our senses adapted to most incoming stimuli. Distinguish between the findings produced by early studies and more recent research, and how they inform scientists about sensation and perception.
Discuss the limitations of each of the current leading theories of dreaming. Why do you suppose this exceedingly common human experience has remained so resistant to explanation?
In Chapter 5, we learned that some taste preferences (such as a liking for sweets) are universal—a part of our evolutionary heritage. Others are a matter of culture. When Theo attends a dinner at a Japanese restaurant with some of his Asian friends, he is fascinated as the chef prepares the food on a grill in front of him. When the appetizers are served, Theo enjoys the raw oysters, but he cannot imagine eating the raw sea urchins and raw octopus that his friends are savoring. Use learning theory to explain the differences between Theo’s taste in foods and that of his friends.
Explain what it means to say that memory is biased, selective, and fragile, and why those (and other qualities) lead to the conclusion that memory is, at its base, a reconstructive event.
Please choose one topic above to write this paper about. This paper should be 750 words. You will not be deducted marks for going above or below by 100 words. You will lose 15% for every 24 hours the paper is handed in late. Please submit either a word or PDF file.
In sensory deprivation studies, researchers were interested in what would happen
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