identify and analyze the different literary genres of fiction, poetry and drama and understand how their respective elements affect their quality and context. For this assignment, you must write a literary analysis research essay using the assigned readings from the Poetry Unit, the Drama Unit, and the Fiction Unit.
Analyze the symbolism of the stories. Identify its major symbols and their
MLA format
READINGS: Guy de Maupassant ― “The Necklace,” Nadia Shammas and Sara Alfageeh ― Squire chapters 1-5, Gloria Kembabaze Muhatane ― “The Gem and Your Dreams” (in Suubi ), Donna Barr ― “Spring, Sprang, Sprung” (in WinC Magazine #4), NK Jemisin ― “Grandfather,” Grover ― Deeply Dave episode 1 (in the Comics folder), Lisa Burdige and John Hazard ― “Spring Love Story” (in WinC Magazine #4)
Erathune #1 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper ― “The Two Offers”
identify and analyze the different literary genres of fiction, poetry and drama
Important - Read this before proceeding
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