i will send the structure of the report
Assignment task
The purpose:
This short business report, written in a memo format, is intended to test your ability to collect and analyse reputable business information, critically assess the impact of government and global macro events upon the activities of a business and demonstrate awareness of changes in the business environment and the impact these have upon a business. It will test your ability to apply models, conduct primary and secondary research, analyse data and present an informed opinion in a business format.
The Context:
For this assessment you are working as an independent consultant engaged to identify the business potential of a local business sector and produce a short memo for a couple that are looking to start their own business in the same sector.
The Task:
Your task is to critically examine the high street food sector (this should include small local supermarkets, butchers, baker, greengrocers and delicatessens) within the confines of a town centre in your local area and produce a short 500-word memo outlining the following:
• The competitive nature of the sector.
• Assess how government actions have and continue to impact the sector.
• Identify how business in this sector have been responding to these actions.
i will send the structure of the report Assignment task The purpose: This short
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