I have attached a copy of my research topic and questions for the literature review.
As a Ph.D. student, your final project will be a dissertation. The largest component of a dissertation is usually the Literature Review. A Literature Review is an exhaustive search of theacademic literature regarding a specific topic. Through the research for the Literature Review, the scholar will discover what has been published and is current regarding their specific area. The Literature Review should also include a section regarding the theory that is applicable to the research question.
The student will write a 10–12-page Literature Review on a specific problem in criminal justice. It will not be a descriptive paper but must be one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student must make an argument about whether it is necessary. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources. The paper must follow the current APA style. The paper should be 10-12 pages with a cover page, Research Questions, annotations, Bibliography, and any supporting documentation.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
I have attached a copy of my research topic and questions for the literature rev
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