For this assignment, you’re asked to identify three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources and write
annotations of them. Each annotation should include a description of the scholarly source (its
argument, its method, its implications, and any other salient features you notice) and an explanation of
how you anticipate using the source in your essay (e.g., to support your argument, to argue against it, to
provide an alternative perspective). Each annotation should be no shorter than 100 words long but no
longer than 300 words.
Include also, before your list of bibliographic entries, a short statement of research interest. In this
statement of two to three sentences, you will provide a general description of your research topic. Note
that you’re not being asked to state your argument; it’s impossible to have a solid argument before
you’ve done the research.
For this assignment, you’re asked to identify three scholarly, peer-reviewed sou
Important - Read this before proceeding
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