First, select and research a media source (your source could be a social media outlet, such as Facebook or Twitter, or a mainstream media source such as a news station).
Next, develop a four to five-page APA formatted paper that:
Summarizes how the selected media source discusses issues related to the criminal justice system.
Explains the selected media source fact-checking process.
Discusses how the selected media source frames the issues.
Details what is fact-based versus editorializing.
Analyzes the media source related to its impact on policy and/or procedures in the criminal justice system.
Determines whether there is direct evidence of a positive or negative impact.
Finally, given the media’s role and responsibilities regarding disseminating information, examine how the selected media source can better position themselves to be part of the solution.
Support all ideas with scholarly research.
Cite at least three credible scholarly sources in APA format, includes a reference page.
Use professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in four to five-page APA formatted paper includes the title page.
First, select and research a media source (your source could be a social media o
Important - Read this before proceeding
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