Develop an intervention, your capstone project as a solution to the patient, family or population problem. You’ve defined submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for a review and approval. This solution needs to be implemented with your patient family or group you are not to share your intervention with your patient, family or group or move to assessment five before your faculty reviews approves the solution you submit an assessment for in a separate written deliverable write a five page analysis of your intervention.
Please use the same African American 45 year old male with hypertension for this assignment base the intervention off the information you have been doing
You can refer to order numbers 7840431 7844881 and 7849121
Please look at all attachments and read them carefully thank you
Thank you so much if you need more time let me know but my professor has been getting these grades right away I’m trying to finish by June 30
Develop an intervention, your capstone project as a solution to the patient, fam
Important - Read this before proceeding
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