Describe the 5 major psychological approaches: biological, psychodynamic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Humanistic as you understand them (explain them in your own words).
Select 2 or 3 theories, theorists, or perspectives that you found interesting or disagreed with; make sure to describe in detail why you found them interesting or disagreed with the specific content presented. Feel free to provide a mixture of the content you found interesting and disagreed with inside the paper’s body.
Apply content from the course to a future situation or occupation. You may want to select a chapter or a few that you believe with be most beneficial to your future occupation, career, or future educational journey.
This is an opinion-based summary paper; however, you must provide examples and references to the material you are using to come to your conclusions in the course summary paper.
Describe the 5 major psychological approaches: biological, psychodynamic, Behavi
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