Instructions You will read and reflect on the primary source account of the Holo
Instructions You will read and reflect on the primary source account of the Holocaust. Initial Post Requirements Your initial post ...
Instructions You will read and reflect on the primary source account of the Holocaust. Initial Post Requirements Your initial post ...
Your task is to analyze the choice of de Vaca to become a conquistador, trader, and healer while living among ...
Paper One Pick four of the following sources and write an essay addressing the prompt below. Based on your reading ...
Assignment 1: Directions: Create a time line that includes important dates, events, and historical figures that are part of the ...
Write a corrido – Original Corrido Lyrics: Crafted in English, Spanish, or a blend of both. What is a Corrido? 36 Lines ...
Write a 2-page essay on Once More, War, and post to Moodle: Should the world have expected World War II, so soon ...
Part 1: (20 points) Write an essay (typed, double-spaced, 3-5 pages) on the U.S. Civil War, focusing on the issue of ...
Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge. ...
After reading Chapter 18 and the online readings, please answer the following questions. Each question is worth a maximum of 5 ...
In an effort to better understand you and your background, please answer the following questions. Each question is worth a ...