BIBL 104
Passage: Luke 10:38-42
A. How does this passage from Acts fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State what
type of story you believe this to be (creation, fall, redemption, or new creation) and
explain why you believe this to be so? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (150-300
words) in length. It may be good to review chapter 6 in Everyday Bible Study to recall
what each of these four themes are about.
The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 resembles the theme of New Creation in
the Bible’s metanarrative. New creation is about heaven, home, and God’s desire to dwell
with His people. While heaven and home (from an eternal perspective) are not addressed
in this passage, the concept of a God who desires to dwell with His people is. On several
occasions Scriptures highlights that God desires to dwell with His people (Lev. 26:12;
Jer. 32:38, Ez. 37:27, 2 Cor. 6:16). This desire is represented in this narrative. Jesus’
actions reveal a God who not only desires to dwell with His people (Rev. 21:3) but a God
who does indeed dwell with His people (Jn. 1:14). Further, while Jesus does not condemn
Martha for her service-oriented attitude, he does point out that Mary, choosing to dwell
with Jesus, has chosen that which is better. God desires to dwell His people and
commends those whose desire is to dwell with Him.
B. How does your principle from Luke 10:38-42 fit with the rest of the Scripture? This
principle is the one you have written out in 1-3 sentences in the Interpretation
Assignment. If your theological principle is a true Biblical principle, it will be reflected
throughout the Scriptures. Where is the theological principle discovered in this New
Testament narrative found elsewhere in the Scriptures? Your explanation should be 1
paragraph (150-300 words) in length. Be specific. Give, explain, and cite your supporting
passage(s) from Scripture.
In Leviticus 26:12, God says to Israel, “I will walk among you and be your God, and you
will be my people.” This is a continued reflection of a God who desired to dwell with His
people in the Garden of Eden. So much so, that Genesis 3:8 notes that God came and
walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. God’s desire has always been to
dwell His people. The Bible opens with this theme (Genesis 3:8) and the Bible closes
with this theme (Rev. 21:3). It is highlighted with God’s covenant with Israel as
expressed in Leviticus 26:12 and is further demonstrated in Jesus Christ, the Word of
God, dwelling on earth with us (Jn. 1:14). This is not simply a theme that is found in one
or two places in Scripture. Rather, this is a theme that runs through all the Scriptures and
speaks to the character and nature of God. He is not a God who is aloof, distant, or
disinterested. Instead, He is a God who desires to dwell with and amongst His people.
BIBL 104
C. How does this passage from Luke’s Gospel reflect the person and work of Jesus Christ?
State and explain at least one way that the theological principle of this passage correlates
with something of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Your explanation should be 1
paragraph (150-300 words) in length. Be specific. Give, explain, and cite your supporting
passage(s) from Scripture.
In John 14:23 Jesus says, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will
love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” Jesus affirms that
both he and God will dwell with those who obey his teaching.” God the Father and God
the Son are not playing hide and seek so that they can remain apart from or distant from
His followers. Instead, the promise in this verse is that those who obey God’s word will
find themselves in the dwelling with God. In Luke 10:38-42 Mary has chosen to sit at the
feet of Jesus and to hear His teaching. She knows both the “dwelling with” and the
“teaching of” through her actions. Further, Jesus commends her for choosing “what is
better.” As Jesus states in John 14:23 and illustrates in Luke 10:38-42, God values
dwelling in friendship and fellowship. When dwelling in friendship and fellowship are
prioritized, they lead to obedience and service. There is a connection between dwelling,
loving, and obeying.
Important - Read this before proceeding
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