Be the teacher: For your main post, select any one of this week’s assigned stories and briefly identify and explain what you believe its central theme to be. Provide one quotation from the story that you best believe supports your identification of the theme. Then, juxtapose this story and theme from Week 3 with a completely different theme from a story in Week 1 or 2. Explain how they differ but why each could be considered an important theme/lesson.
Address your classmates and explaining it to them as if they are your students, and need the material explained to them in a professional but conversational tone- no stuffy “professor-speak” allowed!
In your explanation, include a brief personal experience or example that helps illustrate your story’s theme, or the concept of theme in general. In other words, what is a theme you recognize in your own life, and how might you explain that to students?
Then, at the bottom of your post, write at least one relevant, engaging discussion question about this week’s assigned literature/author.
The question shouldn’t be purposefully confusing or difficult, nor should it be overly obvious or simplistic.
Any question should require a short sentence or sentences to successfully answer- no multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank questions allowed.
Continue discussion of questions and answers as the week progresses. When responding to a classmate, be sure to reply meaningfully with an answer to their question(s). If possible, respond to classmates who haven’t already had their question answered by another student.
Be sure to use MLA citation formatting for parenthetical/in-text citation and works cited citation.
Task 1: Submit your main response to the discussion forum prompt on or before the required date/time by clicking the ‘**REPLY HERE**’ link. Your main response should be substantive, addressing each required part of the forum prompt. Your main response should be at least 175 words.
Observe proper MLA documentation formatting style. MLA style should be observed when quoting/paraphrasing information, ideas, or opinions from approved primary or secondary sources.
Outside scholarly sources beyond the primary literature (see below), if used, should be used sparingly and follow MLA documentation guidelines. Review the “How-To Guide: MLA Formatting and Citations” page (linked in class) as needed.
Approved sources for all graded assignments are restricted to the assigned primary texts/literature, resources linked in class, and scholarly articles found via the GMC Library databases.
This means no AI-generated material and no general website, blog, etc. material should be used in general or as a source in this class.
More information regarding discussion forum guidelines (including the rubric used to grade discussion forum activities) can be found in the “Civil Discourse Forum Guidelines” section of the Course Syllabus.
MLA documentation guidelines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be the teacher: For your main post, select any one of this week’s assigned stori
Important - Read this before proceeding
These instructions reflect a task our writers previously completed for another student. Should you require assistance with the same assignment, please submit your homework details to our writers’ platform. This will ensure you receive an original paper, you can submit as your own. For further guidance, visit our ‘How It Works’ page.