An industry presentation (8-10 min. long) on a sport organization of your choice (e.g. NIKE, ESPN, Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, etc.). You will create a presentation to be presented during class time and develop a concise but detailed 10-12 page (double spaced 12 pt font) report of their findings. Title page and reference page are not included in those 10-12 pages. The report does not have to be an essay. Your report can include subheadings, pictures/graphs interwoven through the writing, and some sections might be partly in bullet-point form. The assignment includes questions such as purpose and mission of the organization, its background, its stakeholders, the job types in the organization etc. Some things to consider for this assignment:
Mission of the organization
Organizational background
Organizational chart and leadership team
Organizational stakeholders (fans/consumer)
Organizational marketing efforts
Organizational sport sponsorship efforts
What is the financial situation of the organization? Where do they get their revenue from? What are their expenses?
Sociological impact: what are some external forces from outside the organization that are impacting them?
The job types in the organization
Internship opportunities
List at least five (5) research references at the end of your written summary
An industry presentation (8-10 min. long) on a sport organization of your choice
Important - Read this before proceeding
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