5+ page paper w/ bibliography and citations
Choose at least two artworks from an artist or movement or tradition to describe in your paper and show in your paper. Place a picture of the artworks in your paper no more or smaller than a 1/4 page size of the paper. Pick an artwork that is not pixilated or blurred. A high resolution picture is preferred.
You will describe one artwork with a formal analysis and second artwork with a formal analysis or one artwork with a formal analysis and second artwork with a content interpretation or one artwork with a content interpretation and second artwork with a content interpretation.
Use at least two sources of information for your bibliography. No Wikipedia for a source
Your research paper must include the following:
An introductory paragraph, in which you describe what you will cover in your paper. Your paper should be summed up in one thesis statement, which is included in the introductory paragraph.
Biographical information on your subject. Where is your artist from, when did he/she live, and any interesting facts about their background. If you are researching an artistic tradition, discuss the background of its practitioners.
A general description of his/her/their art.What sort of art did they make over a lifetime? What materials and processes did they use? What is the general appearance of the work?
A formal analysis or a content interpretation of at least two artworks. A formal analysis includes a visual description, a discussion of visual elements and design principles; and a interpretation of content tells of the story, the message, what it is communicating.
A concluding paragraph which sums up your observations in the paper, and can include your own opinions of the artist or art discussed.
A bibliography page in which you list all the references you used to gather ideas. Use at least two sources. Citations of all borrowed material. Anything not in your own words will be written in quotation marks and cited with a footnote, endnote, or parenthetically. Plagiarized papers will receive no credit.
It will be about Michelangelo
5+ page paper w/ bibliography and citations Choose at least two artworks from an
Important - Read this before proceeding
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